Our Crazy Life

Raising three kids just one day at a time

Busy Bee April 27, 2009

Filed under: random chatter — Jamie Payne @ 3:48 pm

Jason is working out of town today and tomorrow.  We won’t see him until Wednesday morning or night.

I have 4 appointments and Ayden’s soccer practice tomorrow…I had to take a vacation day!

Audit starts next week Monday.  Frantically trying to get everything in place so they won’t be bugging me every 30 seconds.

Hoping to have some good news to report in regards to Jameson’s evaluation process with the Fayette County School System.  Keep your fingers crossed for my baby goober!

Ava’s an eating, farting, coughing and laughing machine.  Hopefully the coughing part goes away soon…darn pollen!

Super excited about the series of classes that my mom, Judy, Pam and I will be teaching to some newbies/oldies.  I love seeing people get excited over paper and adhesive!

Gotta go…time to hit the grocery store and pick the kids up.