Our Crazy Life

Raising three kids just one day at a time

4 Months Old! April 1, 2009

Filed under: ava marie — Jamie Payne @ 2:15 pm

Our sweet baby Ava had her 4 month wellness visit yesterday.  She weighed in at 12lbs 14oz and is already 25 inches long.  I can’t believe how big she has gotten!  Besides cooing and laughing, Ava likes to spend time in her swing, bouncy seat and exersaucer where she’s able to see the entire family.  Every evening, Ava makes dinner with me and then we have our “special time” after I read the boys a book and tuck them into bed.  We introduced cereal and applesauce into her diet on Monday and she’s doing as well as can be expected.  If she’s anything like her brothers, she’ll be eating like a pro by the end of the week!   

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