Our Crazy Life

Raising three kids just one day at a time

Healthy Lifestyle Changes June 15, 2011

Filed under: family,Weight Watchers — Jamie Payne @ 1:10 pm

The last five weeks have been quite an adventure for our family since I joined Weight Watchers.  At the very beginning my biggest fear was how to cook for myself and for my family….as in separate meals…to keep them satisfied.  I barely have time to cook one meal, let alone two, so the answer was simple.  They’re eating what I eat.  I’ve been working very had to find recipes that are not only WW friendly, but also something that the entire family will eat and enjoy.

Here are a few changes we’ve made so far that have gone over well:

1. Whole wheat pasta – The kids are clueless.  They have no idea that I’ve switched to whole wheat pasta and therefore don’t realize that I’m packing their little bodies with more fiber and less sodium.

2. Brown rice – The advantages of switching to brown rice are numerous!  When I found that white rice is basically brown rice that has had essential nutrient removed during processing in order to make it easier and faster to cook, I knew that we were going to switch.  Another advantage is that rice bran oil (which is only present in brown rice) contains gammaoryzanol, a compound with the ability to lower cholesterol. Yeah!

3. Water, water and more water – I’m finally drinking more water and less Diet Pepsi.  I still allow myself one 20oz bottle every morning for the caffeine but then I switch .  I bought an Embark water bottle at Target which has the measurements along one side so that I know how much I’m drinking each day.  I try to drink 28oz before noon and then another 28oz before I leave at 4pm.  Besides that fact that I’m about to float away and go to the bathroom every 10 minutes, I feel better about

4. Fruit for dessert – Our kids had gotten used to having something sweet for dessert each night as long as they finished their dinner.  This would consist of anything from fruit snacks to a Twinkie.  Not exactly good for them, I know.  We made the switch to fresh fruit for dessert and it’s gone over pretty well.  All three enjoy apples, watermelon and pineapple the most.  Every once in a while we throw in a Twinkie if they’ve been especially good:)

5. Lots of veggies and fresh herbs – Recently I’ve cooked with more fresh veggies and herbs than I thought I ever would.  The kids have been good about trying everything at least once and the only things that Ayden is adamant about not eating are peas, carrots and mushrooms.  I’ve learned though that if the carrots and mushrooms are small enough and disguised well, they still get consumed. 

6. Exercise – I’m back to working out 4-5 days a week like I was before getting pregnant with Miss Ava.  Mondays and Wednesday are treadmill days.  I do 30 minutes at a rate of 4 and incline of 1.5.  Tuesdays and Thursdays are toning days.  I do the full round of weight machines which work my legs and arms and then a lap of lunges around the running track.  All four days I do an abdominal workout to help lose my muffin top as well.  We encourage the kids to get their exercise as well.  The kids love to play outside and the boys are both taking karate and swim lessons.  During every karate lesson they include lots of stretching, push ups, sit ups and squats.  Ayden is also interested in taking tennis lessons so we’re looking into that when swim lessons are done for the summer. 

I still have a way to go before I reach my weight loss goal, but I’m already feeling better about myself.  If I have a weak moment, I don’t beat myself up about it.  Each day is a new day and another chance to make healthier choices.  As we try more new recipes I’ll be sure to post the ones we like here on the blog. 



3 Responses to “Healthy Lifestyle Changes”

  1. mom aka doris Says:

    Thank you for giving me the push I needed to join WW. Because of you my weight loss so far is 20 lbs and Doughboy was 25 lbs last week. We have a long, long way to go. But we’re on our way. Keep posting recipes. Yum!

  2. Judy Says:

    Good job Jamie. You are doing great. It is very challenging to cook for a family while trying to eat healthy.

    BTW, my boot camp trainer says that diet sodas (probabaly all diet products containing artifical sugar) slow your metabolism 3-5%. I’ve been trying to not drink diet soda at all, and especially after exercising.

  3. deb Says:

    Cooking brown rice became my challenge! I had to purchase a rice cooker that totally elevated the dilema!

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