Our Crazy Life

Raising three kids just one day at a time

In the spirit October 20, 2009

Filed under: family,scrappy stuff — Jamie Payne @ 3:50 pm

Oh, I am totally getting into the holiday spirit lately!  The weather has finally cooled down a little and the sun has been shining for 3 days straight.  We bought a few bales of hay to set by the front door and right now there are some beautiful yellow fall flowers sitting on them.  All that’s missing are some carved pumpkins!

I guess it’s a good thing that we’re heading to Uncle Bob’s Pumpkin Patch this weekend.  They have a wonderful selection of pumpkins, hayride, corn maze, petting zoo and puppet show.  This year I want to do something different from the typical face carvings for our pumpkins so I did some online research for ideas.  Check these out…

moon & stars pumpindrilled pumpkinsflame pumpkins

L O V E it! 

I printed off face stencils for the boys so they can paint their pumpkins.  No sharp objects for my crazy monsters:)  I made an accordion mini album to put my favorite Halloween memories this year.  I’ll post more pictures of the finished product since I’ll be adding more embellishments once the photos are in. 


I’ve also been getting crafty at work.  I’m making 95 caramel apples for this month’s staff meeting and needed something to put them in.  I decided to make my own gift bags…95 of them!  Here’s a picture:

What sort of fall/Halloween decorating or crafts are you doing this year?


closing its doors September 30, 2009

Filed under: scrappy stuff — Jamie Payne @ 2:23 pm

scenic route

One of my absolute favorite scrapbook manufacturers is closing its doors.  Scenic Route has produced some amazing products during the past 6 years and I’ve used many of them on my layouts and projects.  See their blog for the big announcement.

While I will certainly miss their yummy papers and embellishments, now is the time to stock up at their online store.  Their products are currently 10-80% off so be sure to check it out!


A little more PSE7 fun August 7, 2009

Filed under: scrappy stuff — Jamie Payne @ 3:56 pm

This is just a little something that I whipped up today. 

We’re looking forward to a busy but productive weekend.



Creative Scrap Designs July 23, 2009

Filed under: scrappy stuff — Jamie Payne @ 9:17 am

It all started with a super cute flip book that mom designed to showcase all of her 2009 Easter pictures.  The book is really cute with adorable Bo Bunny paper, lots of coordinating embellishments and  bright ribbon.  Any proud scrapper likes to show off their masterpieces so mom innocently took her book into work to share with some of her co-workers while I bragged to some of my co-worker about my mom’s awesome talent. 

The next thing we knew, there were 12 women signed up to take the Bo Bunny Flip Book class at my mom’s house in June.  The class was a huge success.  Mom put a ton of time into creating a wonderful Power Point presentation and the class kits were full of product.  Our wonderful friend, Pam, and I were both there as teacher’s assistants.  I was so proud of my mom!

After finding out that there was a demand for more classes, Creative Scrap Designs (CSD) was born.  Mom and I immediately started to brainstorm ideas for future classes, set up a CSD blog and even went so far as to apply for a business license!  Our next class, Scrapping 101, is scheduled for August 23rd and I’m super excited to be teaching it.  We’ll be discussing scrapping basics and then we’ll create four 12×12 layouts using 4×6 photos. 

I have to admit that after family and work, all I can think about is CSD. We want the blog to be a creative source for others.  We plan on posting monthly challenges, creative weekend projects, photo editing tips and future class announcements (classes will be taught every other month).  No, this will never replace my current full-time job but I love that CSD is something creative that mom and I can do together. 

If any of my out-of-state friends (Go Wisconsin!) would like to join in, click HERE for the Creative Scrap Design Blog.  We also started a Flickr group so if you’d like to post any of your Monthly Challenge layouts or Creative Weekend projects, let me know and I’ll send you a Flickr invite. 

Happy Scrapping!


Where it all began… May 14, 2009

Filed under: scrappy stuff — Jamie Payne @ 9:34 am

This post is dedicated to my very dear friend, Wendy, who emailed me exactly two months ago with a very simple request.


“I think before I start scrapping I better get myself some inspiration from a magazine or cruise on the internet for some interesting ideas.  Any info would be helpful for this novice scrapper.”




PLEASE NOTE: I am not and never have been an overly artistic person.  I am more of an admirer of people with artistic talents.  If anything, I guess I have the ability to recognize the effort and work it takes to create something beautiful.  So developing a love for paper, embellishments and adhesive was not something I sought out.  I much prefer to place all the blame credit on my mother for introducing me to all of my current vises. 


I will never forget that it all began with a specific visit to Georgia where my mom brought me upstairs to one of her guest rooms, opened a closet door and showed me her latest hobby.  Inside were plastic drawers filled with rubber stamps, inks, papers and a thingermabob called Sizzix.  We took out a folding table and proceeded to make that year’s Christmas cards.  I was so proud when I put those cards in the mail…I had made them…with my very own two hands.  But even after experiencing the thrill of “creating” something, I would never have guessed that it would turn into such a rewarding and fullfilling addiction hobby.  

It was probably a year after those very first cards were made, that I found out I was pregnant with Ayden.  Memories of the many photo albums my mom had to document my childhood came to mind.  How could I not do the same thing for my own baby?  I knew that I had to preserve everything…every smile, his first tooth, his first step, his first taste of real food.  It all could have easily been accomplished by simply taking pictures and putting them in photo albums but by this time my mom was in a total frenzy to buy all the latest scrapbooking products that would come out on the market and she was sucking me in with her.  My visits to Georgia were filled with late night crops with just me and mom in the newly finished “hobby room”.  I felt like a child in a candy store! 

Once Jason and I decided to move to Georgia, I knew I was going to be in big trouble.  I started taking classes with my mom so we could learn all of the latest trends, techniques and products available.  I started subscribing to a few scrapbook magazines and then I began wandering the internet, knowing that there had to be others out there like me who truly felt pain when they sliced into a particularly beautiful sheet of patterned paper.  Once my online adventures began, I realized that scrapping wasn’t just about cutting some paper and slapping down some stickers.  It was an art form and I had barely even begun to understand it’s complexities.

During the past four years I like to think that I have found my place in the great big world of scrapping.   There are certain manufacutures that I prefer over others, product lines that I will never tire of, techniques that I will use over and over again, designers that I will continue to admire and follow and sources of inspiration that I will always fall back on.   

There are so many manufacturers out there now.  It’s almost hard to choose which products are my absolute favorite but when I really think about it there are definitely a few that I keep going back to over and over and over again.  Another thing that I LOVE is being part of a kit club.  We don’t have a lot of LSSs (local scrapbook stores) around anymore and driving up to Archivers is only an every other month thing.  So I rely on kit clubs to send me the latest and greatest.  I’ve listed a few of my favs. 

Making Memories
American Crafts
Basic Grey
My Minds Eye
Sassafras Lass
Teresa Collins
Bo Bunny
Scarlet Lime
Label Tulip
Studio Calico

It’s everywhere!  It’s in scrapbook magazines, scrapping websites, blogs, advertisements, TV commercials, the radio…everywhere!  Every day I see/hear at least one thing that gives me an “ah ha moment”.  I have more inspiration than I know what to do with and I’m constantly on the look for more.  Another great source of inspiration is a manufacturer’s website.  They normally have some sort of design team in place with a gallery to showcase their work.  Most manufacturers also have blogs where they show off their latest products, techniques and tips. 

Making Memories 
Bo Bunny 
Maya Road 
Creating Keepsakes
Memory Makers
Scrapbooks Etc
Scrapbook Trends


I’m a blog stalker.  I lurk around on my favorite designer’s blogs and drool over their creativity.  It’s amazing how lost you can get in the blogging world. 




One last recommendation that truly covers all areas…

Two Peas

With this website, you can cruise through designer’s galleries, member’s galleries, shop, take online classes and learn about new techniques/products.  This is the website that first inspired me and I’m sure it’ll do the same for you.  Do yourself a favor and create a free online membership with Two Peas.  As you find layouts or projects that appeal to your eye, you can bookmark them for later reference. 

Hope this all helps!


Sneak Peek #4 April 24, 2009

Filed under: creative scrap retreat — Jamie Payne @ 10:47 am

I can’t wait to post the full projects…only 8 more days until CSR! 



Sneak Peek #3 April 6, 2009

Filed under: creative scrap retreat — Jamie Payne @ 8:53 am

With only 4 weeks left until CSP (Creative Scrap Retreat), I have a ton to do yet.  I have product that needs to be ordered, kits to be assembled and simple directions to be typed up.  I’m excited about the classes that I’m teaching…”Bloom” and “Learn”.  I’ve tried coming up with something that my fellow Divas normally wouldn’t do and now my only hope is that they’ll like it. 

So here’s sneak peek #3. 


For some reason, I can’t stop with just one sneak peek today!  Goodness, I’m excited!!



Sneak Peek #2 March 25, 2009

Filed under: creative scrap retreat — Jamie Payne @ 3:00 pm

I just love butterflies.  butterfly


1st Annual Scrap Club Retreat March 16, 2009

Filed under: creative scrap retreat — Jamie Payne @ 2:09 pm


I’m so excited!  In lieu of going to the Scrap Etc Event this year, the divas have decided to host our very own retreat.  Our 1st Annual Scrap Club Retreat will begin at 9am Saturday, May 2nd and end at 5pm on Sunday.  The 5 of us will spend the night at my mom’s house so we can work on our projects as late as we wish. 

Each diva is responsible for teaching 1 or 2 classes.  The best part is that none of us know what the others are teaching!  I’ll be teaching 2 classes and I’m so in love with both of them.  I’m really taking the divas out of their comfort zone and introducing some new techniques. 

For a little extra fun, I’ve decided to post a weekly “sneak peek” up until the event.


Isn’t that just pretty?