Our Crazy Life

Raising three kids just one day at a time

the start of soccer April 20, 2009

Filed under: ayden,family — Jamie Payne @ 11:46 am

Ayden had his first soccer practice on Saturday.  Unfortunately Jason had to leave the house by 6:30am for work, so I called Mimi and Bumpa and they promised to meet me at the soccer fields at Handly Park.  Ayden did great!  He listened to Coach Blake and had a ton of fun going through the drills.  Jameson was pea-green with envy.  He wanted so badly to be out there with his brother even though I explained that he can’t play until he turns 3.  I ended up holding a whining Jameson for the entire hour of practice…after he climbed on a hill made entirely of orange Georgia clay.  Bumpa had Ava duty.  He sat patiently in a chair with Ava while I carried Jameson around and Mimi took pictures. 

After practice, I took the kids home so Ava could nap.  It was such a beautiful day so the boys played outside until it was time for lunch.  I couldn’t stand being cooped up inside doing laundry so the boys and I ate turkey sandwiches on the deck. 

My children outside + sitting still eating lunch = photo shoot!

Sorry for the not-so-perfect pictures of Ayden’s soccer practice.  They were taken one handed while holding Jameson.  I’m hoping to get some better shots during Tuesday’s practice.

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