Our Crazy Life

Raising three kids just one day at a time

And the tradition continues – Part 2 April 15, 2009

Filed under: family — Jamie Payne @ 11:14 am

Yesterday’s post was crammed into about the only 30 seconds of free time that I had. The slideshow generator was also last minute because I found out that WordPress doesn’t allow Flickr slideshows…something about security…blah, blah, blah. I’m not sure if I like Slide.com so I may be on the hunt for something different. Anyhoo, I want to share the clues from the bunny basket hunt with everyone. Some of them were pretty easy and others made me want to strangle the Bumpa.

Clue #2
Shaving with this
Makes life pretty dull
Charge it you must
Or the path is a bust

Hiding Spot
The boys’ Razer

Clue #3

Hiding Spot
Pool house shower

Clue #4
Se*ame *treet

Hiding Spot
Mail Box

Clue# 7
Smaller than Big Wave Dave’s Big Wave

Hiding Spot
Pool house microwave

Clue #10
5th and newest
It doest bleweth
Hoteth when coldeth
And coldeth when hoteth

Hiding Spot
Pool house furnace

Clue #13
Roses are red
Violets are blue
This stupid rhyme
Is your only clue

Hiding Spot
Rose bush in back yard

Clue #15
Chirping like crazy
Tells temps if you’re lazy
Name of a bug
But has a plug

Hiding Spot
Mom’s Crickcut (diecutting tool for scrapbooking)

Clue #19
Almost done, just 15 to go
This one’s tough just so you know
Gotta get going, so no time to sit
You’ll need to charge for the “price” of it

Hiding Spot
Golf cart charger

Clue #20 – Final Clue
Crop crap stash

Hiding Spot
Closet in scrap room where I keep all of my

Aren’t those great?