Our Crazy Life

Raising three kids just one day at a time

Super Bad Timing September 24, 2009

Filed under: ava marie — Jamie Payne @ 9:08 pm

I couldn’t be busier at work.  Today I needed to transmit payroll, finish preparations for tomorrow’s staff meeting and I had a 2pm departmental meeting.  Around 9ish, I got a call from the daycare that Ava had diarrhea and I had to pick her up.  About two hours later, I was finally able to wrap a few things up and get out of the office. 

Ava is doing just fine.  She ate a great lunch, took a three hour nap, and hasn’t had any more diarrhea.  Unfortunately, it’s a state rule that your child has to be diarrhea free for 24 hours before they can return to daycare.  I guess this means that Ava will be coming into work with me tomorrow.  Lucky me.

When I picked the boys up this afternoon, I found out that 6 of the 9 babies in the nursery will be out tomorrow due to diarrhea.  That’s a lot of babies.  And super bad timing. 

Some day all of my children will be healthy…all at the same time too.


One Response to “Super Bad Timing”

  1. Deb Says:

    Remember to put her on the BRAT diet.
    does the trick…did for Erika!

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